2 thoughts on “What should I pay attention to when choosing a photography studio?”

  1. Understand credibility, service attitude, after -sales attitude, photographer's technology, makeup artist's technology, consumer price, cost performance, quality of photos, the effect of films, hope to help you, (*^__^*) hee hee ...

  2. Shanghai Fanhua Vision Jinjin Institution is a professional photography agency

    The company's main business module:
    brand planning visual design public relations activities fashion brokerage space display

    Fanhua List of service customers:
    Fashion category:
    Men's clothing:
    Perkan, Baying Bird, Babei, Berlangia, French School, Luo Meng, Prince Edward, Ordos, Taipingbird , Laz, Shashan, Ya Goror, Seta, Aidu, Zuo An, Jioba, Fugui Bird, Qi Pai, Lilang, Talent, Basen, Fugui Group (AZONE)
    Women's clothing:
    eve ny ( Emely), Emely (Guan Jia), Bacca Bocca, K.A.K.O, Komeko, Bik, Oct Mami, UTD, Cuties, CI-PRES, Kasablanca n underwear:
    Children's clothing:
    li baby room, ivy, Disney, Babu bean,
    home, jewelry, cosmetics, luggage, leather, clock category:
    uro Lin Kitchen Cabinet, Belong Cabinet, Zhibang Cabinet, TOTO Sanitary Ware
    Sanhongjia Textiles, Luolai Home Textiles, Hange Home Furnishing, Jiaxin Home Textiles
    aee, Daphne, Corona Shoe Industry,
    Qinglin Lin Jewelry, Shin Kong jewelry,
    Jinling Hotel, Huameda Hotel,
    Yang Yangtze, Hetu Xue, Mengniu,
    Shirolan, Shitian Group, Getian Electric, Boica mobile phone, Sizi Elevarian r r r r r r r
    Yao Ming California Fitness Museum,
    Art category:
    Art Labor Gallery, London Advertising Forum