7 ways backpackers can go solo

Many people enjoy hiking, and some of them, both men and women, prefer hiking alone.

These people always enjoy nature alone.

They can be alone with themselves because it is relaxing and gives them a sense of independence and accomplishment.

But hiking alone also has a lot of risks, so you should not only know the pros and cons, but also be aware of the dangers of hiking alone to plan your hike therefore.

This will help you consider and assess risks so that careful planning can be undertaken to avoid and mitigate risks to determine if solo hiking is right for you.

Hiking alone is not for everyone, and you are responsible for yourself.

First, the advantages of hiking alone:

1. Follow your heart:

This is probably the main reason to hike alone, because it makes you feel free -- you are your own master!

You can walk as fast or as slowly as you like, and there's no need to follow someone else's schedule.

You can set the pace you want, it's up to you, and you don't have to set a strict schedule. You can decide when to leave, when to camp, and even where and how to set up your camp.

Of course, feel free to end the journey.

2. Sense of independence and achievement:

Walking alone is generally relaxing, and while it can be tough at times (especially at the beginning of a solo hike), it can give you a sense of independence and accomplishment that you don't get when hiking with a partner.

Because, on a group hike, everything, like setting up a camp or finding a route, or even building a fire in inclement weather, won't be done by you alone.

3. Get to know yourself better:

As someone who really knows yourself, you can really use this time.

Hiking alone is a great fun experience and a great thing to do - it's a great opportunity to give yourself some positive energy.

Think of it as a time totally reserved for yourself, a chance to be alone, a chance to meet who you really are.

Plus, it's an opportunity to hone your hiking skills. You have to be astute, resourceful and creative because you can't rely on anyone but yourself.

7 ways backpackers can go solo4. Better feel nature:

Nature has a lot of amazing things to excite us.

You can enjoy the fresh air, the fascinating scenery and even get close to the wildlife.

If you're hiking as a group. You can also connect with your natural surroundings and enjoy the vast wilderness and birdsong.

If you hike alone, you don't have to worry about the set time and route of the group, and you don't have to take care of other people's emotions and preferences. You can schedule more time to get close and feel the feedback of nature.

2. Disadvantages of hiking alone:

1. Loneliness:

This is the main psychological disadvantage of solo hiking.

Especially for people who are more sociable, not hearing anyone around them, at least for a while.

Either way, if you download some music or other audio to play before you travel, you'll feel less alone on the road and in camp.

This is a great way to help alleviate loneliness.

2. Without help from others:

When hiking alone, you don't have anyone to help you, and if you get injured or sick, you have to rely on yourself.

If it was just a minor injury, it wouldn't be a problem.

If it's serious, your mobility is limited, or you can't continue on your own, you could be in big trouble.

Instead of waiting for help, you may need to use a satellite phone or other means of communication to find reliable help.

Safety is always a priority, especially when you're hiking alone in the wilderness.

Remember that in an emergency, every little detail can mean the difference between life and death.

3. You have to Do everything:

You do everything yourself, including setting up camp, finding water, gathering wood, cooking and cleaning.

Plus, you'll have to carry a heavier backpack than a group hiker.

3. Dangers of hiking alone:

In general, there is not much difference between a group hike and a solo hike in terms of the nature of the dangers in various wilderness areas.

The main difference is that when you travel alone, if you get into trouble, you're on your own.

However, whether alone or with others, the most important thing is to be fully prepared -- mentally, physically, and the ability to save yourself in a variety of emergency situations.

1. Get lost

Unless you go to no man's land, most hiking trails are generally well marked, and following road signs is not a problem for an experienced hiker, so the chance of getting lost is minimal.

However, nothing is absolute, and even the most experienced hikers can make mistakes and get lost, especially when they're off trails or hiking in areas they're not familiar with.

If you get lost while hiking alone, you have a few options.

In this case, the best thing you can do is to have a detailed map, compass, and navigation skills using maps and compasses.

If you are just unsure of your bearings, try climbing higher mountains to get a better view of the area. You may be able to identify a landmark, a specific place or anything else that will help you get your bearings.

If there is an unfamiliar river nearby, be sure to follow it downstream.

In addition, before you leave, you should tell someone close to you what route you will take and when you will return.

2. Injury:

This is probably the greatest danger when you are alone in the wilderness.

You can't rely on others to ask for help, you have to rely on yourself, on your knowledge and skills.

As we have emphasized time and again, prevention is better than cure.

The best way to prevent such accidents is to stay alert and focused on the road.

However, in the event of an injury, especially if you can't get over it for a while, you need to follow the contingency plan you made before traveling.

3. Hunter:

Hunters are a real threat to backpackers hiking alone in certain hunting areas, especially during the hunting season.

It's not easy to tell a lone hiker from a wild animal, especially in the dark of evening.

That's one reason hikers generally wear orange or other bright colors, just in case.

Traveling solo is not for everyone, it's just a unique way to experience the outdoors, with its pros, cons and dangers.

However, as long as you don't take extreme risks, have a fair amount of outdoor knowledge and experience, plan carefully before you travel, and stick to your plan, you shouldn't be too much of a problem.

In the end, safety remains the most important issue, as it is more difficult to deal with injuries and getting lost alone.