1 thought on “buy bulk wholesale jewelry Taobao earrings shop name Daquan”

  1. wholesale colored jewelry chain For women, in fact, everyone loves beauty, especially for women with pierced ears, they will prefer to buy earrings often. In this case, they are actually better, so they will promote Taobao In the development of middle earrings, the public will choose a better name.

    The earrings shop name
    01. The name of the store should highlight the characteristics of "silver". Silver jewelry stores mainly sell silver jewelry, so when named the store, it is necessary to highlight The characteristics of "silver" are that the silver jewelry has a bright appearance, high hardness and high purity, which can give people a fresh and refined sense. Compared with the heavy sense of other precious metals, the silver products also have the advantages of lightness and no burden. These characteristics are displayed in the name of the store, such as "Human Snow Shop", which means that it has not been carved, it is natural, simple and simple, and the same color with the same color as the silver, showing its own products is better.
    02. Using the store to highlight the use of "silver jewelry". Since it is a jewelry, it is to give people a beauty. Silver jewelry products are mainly used for women's decoration. Crafts with ornamental properties, such as cherishing silver, take the cherishment of "Xi", good silver jewelry is worthy of generational collection; harmonic "attractive". In some areas, the homophonic "cherish people" are given to "cherished people". This meaning is actually better.
    The beautiful earrings shop name
    01, Kunpeng
    out of Taoist doctrine, Zhuangzi, Xiaoyaoyou. The book records, "There is a fish in Beiming, and its name is。. The big name, I do not know that it has been thousands of miles, and it turns into a bird. Its name is Peng. , Its wings are like the clouds of heaven ", which is a relatively atmospheric name.
    02, Yinshan Yinhai
    "Shan" refers to coral, gorgeous, rare. Yin Shan Yinhai is similar to the people's sea reading, and the exquisite products in the store attract countless people, and it also represents that the future of your store is very good. Such a name is better for the development of the store.
    03. There are silver here
    It I think this name is not suitable. First of all, it is easy to remember, and you can never forget. There is a certain fun that can attract consumers' attention and curiosity. When you walk on the street to see such a shop, I am afraid that you must walk in to see what exactly is. Isn't this the effect we are pursuing? of.