On February 8, 2013, the intermediate price of the RMB to the US dollar exchange rate was: 1 dollar to RMB 6.2793, a significant increase of 105 basis points from the previous trading day. This means

1 thought on “On February 8, 2013, the intermediate price of the RMB to the US dollar exchange rate was: 1 dollar to RMB 6.2793, a significant increase of 105 basis points from the previous trading day. This means”

  1. D

    The test question analysis: Judging the changes in the US dollar and the value of the RMB through the change of the amount of RMB exchanged for 1 US dollar, the direction of the currency value and the exchange rate is consistent. The rise in the exchange rate of the RMB to the US dollar shows that the same as exchanged for the US dollar, the appreciation of the renminbi, the depreciation of the US dollar, the increase in the RMB exchange rate, the US dollar exchange rate falls, ②④ correct; ① ① ① error. The question selected D.